Setting Up Gatsby
10 January 2019
I tried Gatsby and decided it wasn’t for me - but in case I want to revisit it - here’s what I did.
Install NVM
NB I don’t like running curl | bash so I download the script review it and then run it - that way I can sanity check that it does what I expect
use nvm to install a recent version of node
nvm install 10
Now install gatsby
npm install --global gatsby-cli
Create a new site.
gatsby new gatsby-site
Change directories into site folder.
cd gatsby-site
Start development server.
gatsby develop
Gatsby will start a hot-reloading development environment accessible by default at localhost:8000.
Edit some pages
Create a production build.
gatsby build
I tested these via a local Apache but you can also serve via Gatsby using
gatsby serve
When happy push to production.