Some Thoughts

Static Site With AWS

11 January 2019

Getting a site up and running on AWS via S3 is fairly quick and easy.

Here is what I did.

First Setup an account and configure the AWS CLI tools.

  • create aws account
  • create IAM user
  • grant permissions to user
  • copy credentials locally
  • Install PIP sudo apt install python-pip
  • use PIP to install the AWS tools pip install awscli --upgrade --user
  • aws configure use credentials from above
  • Read the docs at

Then setup the S3 side

Create an S3 bucket, configure as a website and make it world readable

Oddly here Amazon tell you to make it world readable - and warn you that you shoudln’t. Ignore the warning.

Finally publish to S3

aws s3 cp ./public/ s3://seanburlington --recursive

Now visit the site